Russell Taylor Group answers crisis call to help homeless
Posted by Georgie Betts on 2/12/2016
Russell Taylor Group has answered a crisis call to help vulnerable people living on the streets this winter.
The entire workforce from the company's headquarters in Bromborough, Wirral, and its satellite offices in the North West filled 65 rucksacks full of essential items such food, clothing, toiletries and blankets to help bring comfort to the homeless.
The filled bags were handed over to Wirral YMCA and the Charles Thompson Mission in Birkenhead, which supports the poorest in the local community, as part of the annual Rucksack Challenge organised by Wirral Chamber of Commerce.
Russell Taylor Group managing director Ben Russell, a patron of Wirral Chamber, said: “The hardship of living rough on the streets is something incredibly hard for most of us to even imagine.
“But the problem is real and close to home. Last year, YMCA Wirral provided 2,745 bed nights to people in crisis so the least we could do was rise to the challenge and take part in this year's initiative to help those in need.
“Each rucksack represents every member of staff who, by getting involved in something as vital as this, understands the importance of playing their part in supporting the local community.”
Paula Basnett, chief executive at Wirral Chamber of Commerce, added: “To make a success of the Rucksack Challenge, which makes a difference to so many lives, we rely on our business community to work with us for donations to help both YMCA Wirral and the Charles Thompson Mission.
“Management and staff at Russell Taylor Group are well known for their generosity in supporting charitable causes so we were delighted when they delivered 65 donation bags, one bag from each member of its staff. It was a wonderful gesture.”