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Sports nutrition boom brings operational boost for Russell Taylor Scientific

Posted by Catherine Tidy on 11/09/2019
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EXPERT knowledge of the nutrition market is giving a team of consultants in Russell Taylor Group’s Scientific Division an operational boost in one of the country’s fastest-growing health sectors.

Already, forecasts show that sports nutrition – in the form of sports drinks, protein powders, dietary supplements and protein bars – is out-performing other areas in the UK pharmaceutical industry, with the nutritional supplements market predicted to reach more than £12 billion, increasing at a compound annual growth rate of 6 per cent, by 2023.

This, according to Scientific Division’s manager Tom Hammond, is currently opening employment doors to a vast range of opportunities as the market expands in line with an ever-growing consumer demand for health products.

However, key to successful vacancy matching as new product development, manufacturing processes and product sales increase is the need for qualified experts within the recruitment industry – those who are themselves able to keep job-seeking candidates informed of sector-specific scientific advances.

As a graduate with an MSc in Sports Nutrition, recruitment consultant Hannah Williams is using her scientific expertise – and extensive knowledge of nutritional supplements - to ensure candidates are kept up to date with the new products that are contributing to the huge global upturn in the sports nutrition market.

Hannah, 23, who is based at Russell Taylor Group’s head office at Burton Manor, said: “Advances in the nutritional industry have grown rapidly over the last decade, with supplements and nutritionals being added to people’s regimen on a daily basis.

The nutritional industry has continuously been filled with various ‘myths’, social media fads and ‘quick fixes’ but now, more than ever, the industry is developing ingredients backed by clinical studies. It’s also supporting the views of pharmaceutical and biological science to provide new opportunities to deliver unique and scientifically-backed products to the market faster.

I have a great passion for the science industry and a broad knowledge of nutritional science nutrients, vitamins and macro/micronutrients - chemistry, biological and analytical science. My main focus, however, is on sport supplements and their ingredients, new product development, product analysis and quality for both food, liquids and supplementation.

Health, fitness and nutrition is an industry that’s growing faster than ever before so it’s therefore very important that our candidates are kept up to date with all the new supplements and nutritional products currently on the market.”

Tom Hammond added: “The Scientific Division has been operational for just over a year and is making an impressive contribution to the Russell Taylor Group growth programme.

Our strengths are new ideas and innovation to serve the employment needs of the UK’s scientific sector. Identifying the massive growth of the sports nutrition sector and, alongside it, the flourishing consumer demand for health products puts us in pole position to boost even further this rapidly-expanding sector by supplying the right candidates for our employers.

This is why the background and scientific knowledge of consultants like Hannah is vital to keep job-seekers fully informed of current market trends in relation to the health and fitness industry, the new nutritional supplements on the shelves, their ingredients and their health benefits.”