
Blue Pebbles

Interviewee Questions

Interviewee Question Examples

Questions you may want to ask – only after there is an established mutual interest.

All questions asked should be job orientated until an offer is received, and used to gain information that will be helpful in answering the interviewer’s questions.

  1. What is the timetable for filling the position?
  2. What are the first projects to be addressed?
  3. What are the major problems to be tackled?
  4. What are the most important day-to-day responsibilities?
  5. What personality traits do you consider critical to succeed in this job?
  6. How would I complement the existing group?
  7. How often are performance reviews?
  8. How are outstanding employees recognised?
  9. To what extent are departmental responsibilities valuable to senior executives?
  10. How is the company organised?
  11. What are the company’s short and long range goals?
  12.  How could I influence those goals?
  13. What benchmarks would be used to measure my effectiveness?
  14. If I perform well, what new responsibility would I hope to achieve?
  15.  What training and professional development does the company provide?
  16.  What is the company’s mission?

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